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telemedicineHealth Understands Your Needs,
Your Wants, Your Fears and Your Expectations.

That's Why We Created Sally™.

Educated Patients

An informed patient begins with an educated patient.

The more patients understand the need for Remote Patient Monitoring and the benefits afforded to them as participants, the greater is the likelihood they will want to become part of the RPM program.

Patients' participation in their own care creates awareness and acceptance of the benefits of specific disease management via Remote Patient Monitoring. 


Clinical Tracker

For many patients, managing their health is not about what they know...  but, rather what they don't know. 

Participating in sending daily physiological parameters to the portal allows them to see what they haven't been able to see before RPM... Their own physiological data and progress toward goals immediately.

For the care providers who put so much into managing their patients health, we provide a simple solution, resulting in actionable clinical data, thus improving patient care.

Engaged Patients
Providing patients and their caregivers with the support and tools they need to stay informed and motivated enhances engagement.

Sally's™ daily interaction along with her human team members at our care center provides even greater benefits and a highest level of support, specifically in-between physicians visits. Patients ranked these services as contributing significantly to overall satisfaction regarding their RPM participation.
This is of great importance as well as the notion of choice where patients directly opt in to a service that they believe will be most beneficial to them. 

The Practice

At telemedicineHealth, we believe nothing substitutes for the patient/care-provider relationship. Therefore our engagement efforts focus on bringing care providers and patients closer together.  

 Sally™ enables the practice to handle more patients efficiently, allowing the practice to grow their patient population while maintaining their excellent level of quality patient care.

Sally™ For Providers

  • Sally™ manages chronic  and acute patients between visits
  • Access to near real-time patient data 
  • Aggregates data for enhanced patient management
  • Tracks actionable data longitudinally for all readings
  • Reports on physiological parameters
  • Ensures adherence to billing requirements for 99453, 99454, 99457 & 99458
  • New revenue stream for your practice!

Sally's™ Objective is to:


  • Make patients feel as though there is always someone by their side.


  • Ensure adherence to clinical and Medication protocols


  • Eliminate travel barriers while keeping patients and their care teams in touch and engaged.

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